Friday, December 13, 2013

Just "be"

Just write. Put it down. Get it out. Speak your mind and don't hold back because you never know who can benefit from your experiences. I have been affected so many times by the simplest of things. A simple sentence, a passing comment, no matter how trivial it seems to the speaker, can change the way you think about yourself and the world around you. It can motivate others, shed some light on a troubled topic that has taken weeks to become clear. Everything can help. It's all relevant and nothing is trivial. Learn to adjust your sight to the little things. Take the time to stop and absorb the world around you. Succumb to the suggestions that life offers and know that within us all is the power to create, imagine, and build our own universe.

            I know it's hard, believe me I know. Each of us has had some thing, some event or situation in life that we each find hard to get through. You will overcome. You are not alone. We are never alone. Try new things, meet new people, live by your principles, don't harm others. Never be ashamed of who you are and remember that there are people that look at you with awe and wonder how you can be so strong. You are a source of inspiration to others. Be the inspiration to yourself. Just be! 

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