Friday, April 3, 2009

Fear and love

'If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.' - Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman

How true is this. Some of the most meaningful conversations i have had have been waiting in the supermarket checkout. Not necessary to trade names, or to judge by looks. Just open up and embrace the fact that you both exist, both are harmless, both are experiencing the same things at that time. One lady I spoke to gave me some advice on a particularly icky subject; family. I tried her advice and it changed the way I look at things. She will never know, but I am a better man for having met her. All it took is for her to impart what she knew, and most importantly, for me to accept it. And, the best way for me to thank her is to pay it forward.

Don't be afraid of each other. Make the choice between fear and love. No money or long motivational courses needed. No need to seek professional help. Fear and love.


  1. Very true! Too often we walk through life without really noticing what's going on around us. Some of the best advice or ideas come from people who we meet in everyday life that make us stop and think - the challenge is noticing when it happens!

  2. Elevators are a great place to give and/or receive advice :)
